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Burying Down Spouts


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  • Burying Down Spouts

    I am thinking of burying my down spouts. There are only 2 on my house and both are in the front. I would have to dig some kind of live well or maybe a channel with perforated tubing. Not sure how big of a hole I would need for them to drain in a really big storm. I have heard good and bad about burying them. Some say they will get clogged eventually.

    What about burying the sump pump line too?

    Do I need to go below the frost line? It gets cold here.

    Anyone have suggestions or opinions.


  • #2
    There's a very good thread along with pictures on TractorByNet.

    It's a great group. I believe what you're lookin' for is under the 'projects' forum. Use their search tool to find the downspout info. As for considering the frost, I would most definately put it deeper than the frost line. May be more work, but would sure be safe!


    • #3
      I don't find anything when I searh downspouts. Got any other links?


      • #4
        If your going to bury them make sure they eventually terminate to (open) "daylight". Running water will not freeze, but standing (still) water will. Terminate them as far away from the foundation as possible, a minimum of at least 10' Hube


        • #5
          I don't have a hill for them to come out of. If I run it underground and then up like a foot or two will the water drain out?


          • #6
            Vindi; If the gound has no slope , then you could make a "glorified french drain " using lots of gravel, and go a little deeper with the trench. ( Catch basin below Frostline)

