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Post-chicken recovery


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  • Post-chicken recovery

    We've had chickens for a few years and let them range in the backyard. As you can predict, they destroyed the yard and now it is home to nothing but ground violets and creeping charlie.

    I've built them a sizeable run and now they'll spend their days in shady, well managed confinement while I try to recover my yard.

    Sooooo, best way to go about that? Round-Up everything, till, and re-seed?
    Bill in Kansas City, MO

    Measure with a micrometer
    Mark with a crayon
    Cut with an axe.

  • #2
    To revive your yard after the chickens have had their way with it, start by using a non-selective herbicide like Round-Up to clear out the ground violets and creeping charlie. Once the weeds are dead, till the soil to prepare it for re-seeding. Test and amend the soil if needed, then spread your chosen grass seed evenly and lightly rake it in. Keep the soil moist until the grass establishes itself, and be sure to water regularly and watch for any new weeds. This approach should help you get your lawn back to looking great in no time!

