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Concrete Driveway


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  • Concrete Driveway

    I would like to have my driveway reserfaced, it has cracks and weeds are starting to grow up through them and they are getting larger (the cracks that is) when is it just better to have the whole thing ripped up and new installed? Do the size/length of the cracks play a factor?

  • #2
    Driveway cracks....

    Is there any upset in height from one side of the crack to the other? If the drive is pretty good flatwise, I'd spray in some killer stuff (bleach works well) scoop out the cracks, maybe widen them a bit if I could, make sure there's no loose stuff on the edges and pour in crack sealer. The stuff's available at Home Depot and many other of those type stores.


    • #3
      Thanks, Is the crack filler stuff hard to mix. Do I need like a wheel barrel or something huge like that?


      • #4
        Crack filler......

        Check out what they have at the store. What you would get would depend on how large the cracks are, how long they are....I would think using a rubbery type of filler would be good so as to adhere to the surfaces, but still allow a bit of movement. I'm suspect, though, as to what caused the cracking. Is there a tree nearby? Was the concrete layed too thin and can't support vehicle load? Was the base not properly prepared for the 'crete?

