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Grass Hog won't feed


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  • Grass Hog won't feed

    I have an electric B&D Grass Hog that won't feed the line. When I remove the spool, there is a small plastic white "lever" there that would appear to need a spring and attach somewhere, but I checked out a brand new one at the store and it didn't have one there. Any ideas how to fix? Very detailed instructions and/or pictures appreciated! Thanks.


  • #2
    I wonder if you ever received a reply or figured this out? The same thing just happened to me - in the middle of edging the lawn. Talk about frustrating...


    • #3
      No such luck

      Nope, haven't heard a thing unfortunately. Sorry it happened to you too. Mine has had a very hard used 3 years or more, so I guess it would be worth it to go get another since I have extra spools I keep filled for continous use that probably only fit it. Thought I'd try to put it off if someone here could give us an easy solution. Oh well.



      • #4
        Bought one last year. Used up the line that came with it. Put bigger diameter line in it just cause thats what I had on hand. Now it wont feed. Are you using the correct size line?


        • #5
          Not bigger, at least by the size noted on the package, but definitely the most cheapo line I've used...thought about getting some better quality (whatever that is) to see if that mattered. I have been using the cheapo stuff for some time with no problems though.


          • #6
            There is a plastic detent in the middle of the line feeder with a follower spring. The spring keeps the spool locked until you bump the large knob on the ground. Centrifugal force causes the line to feed outward. The line cutter on the guard snaps the line off at its outward most travel so it doesn't go beyond the guard. Use of oversized line on any string cutter will jam. Use a line that is the smallest you can find. Manufacturer line is best don't use after market line. No telling what its made of and may destroy your cutter head.


            • #7
              Easy Grass Hog fix

              That little lever is the culprit. You can order a replacement on line for $2.60 plus an absurd $10.00 S&H. You remove the old lever by simply pulling it out with a pliers. Then just pop in the new one and voila! BTW, the new ones come with a metal post which helps prevent the wear that has caused this problem in the first place.


              • #8
                Hi guys, I registered here just to post this since this thread answered my question, but I can't post links due to my low post count... anyway...

                I just found it for $1.59 with $5.30 shipping at ereplacementsparts dot com

                $5.00 minimum order though, so it cost me $10.30.

                I sure hope it does the trick!! It's a real pain to manually feed the line!


                • #9
                  Did the new lever fix the problem?



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kara View Post
                    Did the new lever fix the problem?

                    It just shipped today, so I don't have it yet. I'll update the post with my findings.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hotrodscott View Post
                      It just shipped today, so I don't have it yet. I'll update the post with my findings.
                      Scott, any luck? I've put off edging about as long as possible...
                      Last edited by kara; 09-19-2009, 03:00 PM.


                      • #12
                        I'll let ya know in about an hour! Today's the first day my schedule has aligned with that of the much needed rain we've been getting the past couple of weeks.
                        Last edited by hotrodscott; 09-19-2009, 01:54 PM.


                        • #13
                          That fixed it! Yay!!!! (very good thing too, because my old mower conked out with about 100sq ft, to go, so I finished it with the edger)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by hotrodscott View Post
                            That fixed it! Yay!!!! (very good thing too, because my old mower conked out with about 100sq ft, to go, so I finished it with the edger)
                            Yay! Now to order this dumb little piece...



                            • #15
                              I'm having the same issue, but the culprit in my case appears to be a spring attached to the lever. Did your replacement lever come with a spring as well?

