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Non Toxic Grass Killer Ideas


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  • Non Toxic Grass Killer Ideas

    I would have put Weed Killer, but it's not weeds I have issues with. There are small areas that I have put Landscape Timber around the perimeter that I would like to do something decorative with. In preparation, I have put down weed fabric and put down mulch to naturally get rid of the grass on top. Months later, there seem to be random areas where a few blades of grass are growing through.
    I took it up and recovered with cardboard, then mulch. Same thing. It is becoming a headache. Because I have pets, I would prefer to do something natural/non-toxic. Does anyone have any recommendations for something I can put into my pump sprayer? Have tried the vinegar/salt/dawn liquid, with same results, or should I say LACK OF RESULTS. ☹

  • #2
    first and foremost better method is, boiling water, boil the water, and pour it into grass blades, it will kill them, it is good for small patches, second is to cover the area with plastic sheet, heat within the area make the plastic to will it


    • #3
      I will try the boiling water. When you speak of the plastic sheet, do you mean the rolls you find at a home store to tape down for painting? I know those come in all types of thicknesses.


      • #4
        Great ideas! Thanks dwinston20223​!!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by dwinston20223 View Post
          first and foremost better method is, boiling water, boil the water, and pour it into grass blades, it will kill them, it is good for small patches, second is to cover the area with plastic sheet, heat within the area make the plastic to will it
          I have just seen on local Home store site that they have some type of cork that you can spread over a portion of the lawn. Was thinking about cutting to size, lay down and cover with mulch, stones, or pavers. Not that I don't want to try the plastic, but I wouldn't want to dig it up again, where as cork, I believe will eventually bio-degrade. Would that work?


          • #6
            but if you are looking for long lifetime solution you have to reconsider, being biodegradable, it needs replacement anytime, also it is more costly than plastic


            • #7
              Originally posted by dwinston20223 View Post
              but if you are looking for long lifetime solution you have to reconsider, being biodegradable, it needs replacement anytime, also it is more costly than plastic
              Thank you for your input. When it does come to cost, I have considered it, but it makes more sense to me since that is something that I won't have to worry about constantly taking up and replacing as it does have biodegradable properties. I just see it as less work, that's all. It has become more of a headache as I would have to revisit that area of my yard over and over as opposed to moving on. As long as it works, you know?


              • #8
                Listed below are some of the best non-toxic grass killer ideas that are safe for the environment, pets, and human beings:

                1. **Boiling Water:**
                Directly pour boiling water on the grass to be eliminated. This method is quite effective in small areas and weeds growing in cracks.

                2. **Salt Solution:**
                Mix salt with water—a ratio of about 1 cup of salt to 2 cups of water—and apply to unwanted grass. Be careful with this because it is known to affect the soil and the plants around.

                3. **Cardboard or Newspaper:**
                - Inhibit grass by putting cardboard or several layers of newspaper over it and topping it with mulch. This smothers the grass because it blocks sunlight, killing it. It's useful for bigger areas and when making new beds in your garden.

                4. **Lemon Juice:**
                - Lemon juice is acidic and kills grass. Mix it with a little vinegar for added strength and spray directly on the grass.

                5. **Manual removal:**
                - You can remove the grass physically by its simple digging out with a shovel or hoe. This method is effective and non-toxic. Be sure to remove the roots to kill it completely.

                As such, such methods may be adopted in the management of undesirable grass without causing harm to the environment or posing a risk to pets and humans.​

