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Getting rid of grasshoppers


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  • Getting rid of grasshoppers

    Hello everyone!

    If you’re looking for a home method to get rid of grasshoppers in your garden, you can try making and using a simple homemade spray. Here's how to do it:

    Start by mixing a few tablespoons of garlic powder or chopped garlic with a quart of water. You can also use hot pepper flakes or a chopped hot pepper instead of garlic for an extra kick. Add a teaspoon of dish soap to the mixture; this helps the spray stick to the plants. Let the mixture sit for a few hours or overnight to allow the flavors to infuse.

    Once it's ready, strain the mixture to remove any large bits and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray this solution directly onto the plants, focusing on areas where grasshoppers are feeding or hiding. The strong smell of garlic and the spiciness of the pepper will repel the grasshoppers and make your garden less attractive to them.
