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Elastomeric paint


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  • Elastomeric paint

    I need to paint my 11 yr old house and in my original home inspection the inspectors recommended using elastomeric paint from parker paints. Does anyone know what's so special about this paint? And if it is more expensive than a high quality latex paint? Also, they recommended apply a waterproof silicone sealer to the whole house because there has been some water intrustion and some black mold growing under the eves. Any advice would be great as I've never had to deal with this before. Thanks.........

  • #2
    I personaly have not herd of that brand but dont let brand names be the reason for choosing a product your local paint store can help you with paint choices ......But if you were to just use a sealer for the moisture intruision that will only be a temp. solution you would need to actualy find why the moisture is comming in and stop it that way,,,,and as far as paint choices for mold & mildews eggshell has a high protection from molds .mildew forming....question do you have a pond or lake close to the home?????
    if not do you have a sprinkler system??? also the EPA website has alot of usefull info on molds etc..

