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Painting my speckled brick house


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  • Painting my speckled brick house

    Hello! I am in the thinking stages of painting my brick home. The previous owners painted 75% or so of the house white....meaning they painted individual bricks in random order white...thus...speckled house. I have tried using paint remover and a product called peel away to remove the white paint but nothing has really done the job. So, my house really needs to be painted. My question is about color. I don't want to pick a color that makes the house look smaller and I don't want it to look like every other house but at the same time I need an idea that is tasteful. Any suggestions?? I know, at this point anything is better than the clown house. I have included a picture for laughs only


  • #2
    Paint the brick!!

    I just recently gave this same advise to another member, paint the brick a tan color and the black shutters will look beautiful. I think the color combo looks very classy and the roof will blend in quit well.

