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What w98 software do I need?


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  • What w98 software do I need?

    This computer started out with W95 and upgraded to 98. It is corrupted and needs 98 re-installed. What do I need. No software came with it. Thanks.

  • #2
    Wow 98, they are about to release Windows 8.

    Try here for help>>> download windows 98 : information: news, videos, photos and comments about download windows 98 from the best web sites and blogs

    Problem will be 1. It's illegal to download other than from windows (which will make you buy it) and I think it's a void system now, not available for download.
    2. It's so antiquated why would you want it you can buy W7 for under $100 (
    Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
    Every day is a learning day.


    • #3
      It is still a good computer and I only need a word processor. I was told it was a gray area by this company and it must have worked for them. If it is illegal, there is a lot of software for sale out there. I doubt if MS is going to worry about some obsolete software. I'd like to see if I could re-install it just for kicks.

      With all the computer corruption from the net, I guess I'm tired of buying computers so someone else can mess them up. The library will do for now.


      • #4
        Let me clarify the illegal part, your right it's not illegal to sell, but it must be licensed software, in other words first time use, not borrowed from a mate of a mate of a mate who all installed in on their PC's. Your right I doubt MS would even really care about W98.

        Keep searching around I'm sure there's a free download out there somewhere.
        Amazon have it (licensed) for $30
        Little about a lot and a lot about a little.
        Every day is a learning day.


        • #5

          I'd just keep asking around amongst your friends to see if anyone of them will copy a Windows 98 disk for you. Just get them to download a shareware program called "CloneCD", and it will write and copy cluster by cluster from one CD to the other, so that what you'll get will be an exact duplicate of the original.

          Using Clone CD I was able to make a back-up copy of Windows XP Professional just in case the one that came with the computer was lost or damaged. I know it's identical to the original because I reload Windows XP Pro from that copy every time I get a virus on my surfing computer.

          SlySoft CloneCD | clone cd, backup cd, cd copy, copy music cd, copy navigation cd

          I expect Microsoft is as concerned about you copying Windows 98 as MGM is about the chinese selling bootleg copies of "Dune", which was a box office flop.


          • #6

            A computer guy who writes for the News-press in Florida said we should make a copy of our licensed XP etc. You mentioned cloning. Are you saying that just burning a copy won't work?

            I still don't know what 98 software I need if I buy it. W98 and SE upgrade? Just SE? Stuff like that.
            Thank you. Bob
            Last edited by ba_50; 07-24-2012, 01:06 PM.


            • #7

              My e-mail address is: (encrypted)

              bjwkwv(caps lock)t@ukia.bwr

              For each letter or button in the above encrypted e-mail address, press the button on your keyboard to the RIGHT of it.

              E-mail me your name, address, US Postal Code and e-mail address and I'll see what I can do.

              Bill Gates and I go back a long way. He saved my life one time. I was in Redmond Washington and these three big goons came up and started beating the $#|^ out of me. I was just just about to lose consiousness when a stretched limo pulls up, the back window rolls down, and Bill sticks his head out and says: "OK, that's enough." Bill saved my life that day.
              Last edited by Nestor; 07-24-2012, 01:55 PM.


              • #8

                I don't want it to be that much trouble, but thanks anyhow. Bob


                • #9

                  I'll ask my nephews to look for their Win 98 disk tonight when they get home. If I can get it, I can copy it with Clone CD and snail mail it to you.

                  In the mean time, it's not going to cost you anything but your time to e-mail me your name, address and zip code.
                  Last edited by Nestor; 07-25-2012, 02:54 PM.


                  • #10
                    I'd appreciate that but the address didn't work. I left the . and @ as normal.


                    • #11
                      Check your private messages.
                      To do that, look for orange and yellow bars at the top of the web page that shows all the latest posts. Those bars extend all the way across the web page. Under the "Forum" link on the orange
                      bar, you should see a "Private Messages" link on the yellow bar. Double click on that "Private Messages" link.

                      If you still can't get my e-mail address, let me know.
                      Last edited by Nestor; 07-26-2012, 06:18 PM.


                      • #12

                        I got your emails. The key was on my computer but cabs 74 wouldn't open due to missing winzip32.exe.

                        In order to keep from losing anything, I understand I should go to the root folder of existing HDD and re-name to win.old than boot to win 98 cd & proceed.

                        I'm not sure what the root folder is or what the HDD is. I'm not sure how to boot the cd either. I'm not much help here.


                        • #13
                          Well, I'm no computer whiz, but I think the "root" folder means the root directory, which will either be the Windows folder on the C:/ drive or the C:/ drive itself.

                          HDD means Hard Disk Drive, and that'll be the C:/ drive.

                          If you type:

                          winzip32.exe download

                          into Google, you'll find quite a few different sites where you can download it free, but I think if you take a blank CD down to any computer store and tell them what error message you got, they can probably just copy winzip32.exe from their computer onto your CD.

                          If someone said to "boot" the CD, they meant to "boot from the CD". To do that you turn your computer on and let it boot up normally. Then press the button on your CD drive to open the tray to accept a CD. Put in the CD I sent you and press the button again so the tray with the CD loaded retracts into the CD drive. Now shut the computer off, wait for it to shut down, and then turn it back on.

                          When you turn the computer back on, it'll first check to see if there's a disk in the floppy drive. If so, it'll look on that floppy for boot up instructions. If it doesn't find any, it'll check to see if there's a CD in the CD drive. If it finds a CD there, it'll look on that CD for boot up instructions. Finally, if there's no floppy or CD in the machine, it'll boot from the hard disk drive.

                          So, by starting your computer, loading the CD I sent you into your CD drive, then shutting your computer off and then turning it back on, the computer will look for boot up instructions on the CD before it boots from your hard drive. And the CD I sent you contains the instructions to wipe the hard drive clean and reload Windows 98.

                          However, that will wipe out everything that's on your hard drive now. If there's stuff on there you need, you might be best off to get a computer tech to get the stuff you need off your computer before you format the hard drive and reload Windows 98.
                          Last edited by Nestor; 07-31-2012, 06:29 PM.


                          • #14

                            I got the CD this morning.

                            Do I need a key? Will it install 98 and SE98? Thanks.

                            Originally posted by Nestor View Post
                            Well, I'm no computer whiz, but I think the "root" folder means the root directory, which will either be the Windows folder on the C:/ drive or the C:/ drive itself.

                            HDD means Hard Disk Drive, and that'll be the C:/ drive.

                            If you type:

                            winzip32.exe download

                            into Google, you'll find quite a few different sites where you can download it free, but I think if you take a blank CD down to any computer store and tell them what error message you got, they can probably just copy winzip32.exe from their computer onto your CD.

                            If someone said to "boot" the CD, they meant to "boot from the CD". To do that you turn your computer on and let it boot up normally. Then press the button on your CD drive to open the tray to accept a CD. Put in the CD I sent you and press the button again so the tray with the CD loaded retracts into the CD drive. Now shut the computer off, wait for it to shut down, and then turn it back on.

                            When you turn the computer back on, it'll first check to see if there's a disk in the floppy drive. If so, it'll look on that floppy for boot up instructions. If it doesn't find any, it'll check to see if there's a CD in the CD drive. If it finds a CD there, it'll look on that CD for boot up instructions. Finally, if there's no floppy or CD in the machine, it'll boot from the hard disk drive.

                            So, by starting your computer, loading the CD I sent you into your CD drive, then shutting your computer off and then turning it back on, the computer will look for boot up instructions on the CD before it boots from your hard drive. And the CD I sent you contains the instructions to wipe the hard drive clean and reload Windows 98.

                            However, that will wipe out everything that's on your hard drive now. If there's stuff on there you need, you might be best off to get a computer tech to get the stuff you need off your computer before you format the hard drive and reload Windows 98.


                            • #15
                              Well I'm back, been busy.

                              Having some trouble of course.

                              I found the instructions with the complete install and a repair one.

                              A fatal error has been detected and the application must be terminated
                              >0") failed at domain (.\main.cppi 576)

                              It won't run using add programs either.

                              Says it is not accessable.

                              It said in the instructions to go to
                              window\options\cabs\setup.exe and run setup, but has no setup exe.

                              Using control panel I get infromation about drive, net, KB, manual etc.

                              I don't think it will work.

