c:/documents and settings/network service/local settings/application data/ngbvyvupf\qgpfpqvshdw.exe Is this a safe file? How can I tell which start up files are legit?
In the start up window of running msconfig, the selective startup is checked. The first three of five buttons under it are checked: Proce3ss system and process win and load system services. The next one, load startup items, has a green box instead of a check mark. The fifth, use original boot ini, has a circle with a green dot in it.
I checked other files on the net and they appear valid. I cannot find any info about this file, so I'm suspicious.
In the start up window of running msconfig, the selective startup is checked. The first three of five buttons under it are checked: Proce3ss system and process win and load system services. The next one, load startup items, has a green box instead of a check mark. The fifth, use original boot ini, has a circle with a green dot in it.
I checked other files on the net and they appear valid. I cannot find any info about this file, so I'm suspicious.