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No replies yet. Am I doing something wrong?


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  • No replies yet. Am I doing something wrong?

    I am new to forums in general, so this is probably a dumb question, but I wanted to be sure I was doing this right.
    I posted 2 questions: one in Catch All ("Change tile color..") and one in Flooring (Mexican Tile..."). I see that there have been around 30 viewings of each (atleast I think that is what it means) but I don't see any replies. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a special way to view replies made to your own questions that is different from the way you view the others? Did I post it incorrectly? Is it that there just isn't a geood answer for my questions? How long does it usually take to see replies?
    Please help. Thanks.

  • #2
    You postings are correct and any answers submitted would be displayed directly under your post without requiring any special action, however for as much as i hate to say it, there really is no valid answer to your questions. Wall tile and floor tile are a pottery product that is made by forming clay, coating with a glazing material and baking it on in a cermic kiln at a very high temperature. Once the product is made there simply is no way to alter the color except by painting. There are some paints that are said to work, but in my experience none of them will provide a lasting finish.


    • #3
      No worries, you're doing everything right, I'm sure you've had no answers just cause nobody that's looked knows what to tell ya. I've answered your tile painting question and I'll take a look at your floor question. Hang in there and welcome to the forum.

