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  • Who sponsors this forum?

    I have visited several forums and am very impressed with the knowledge, help and sense of urgency you folks take on each matter.

    Is this forum sponsored by a company or is it simply kind people helping others?

    You guys are defenetly awsome, I salute you!


  • #2
    I can only speak for myself, but I happened upon this forum 04-23-04 and I was thoroughly impressed with it. I became very active answering questions primarily in the Plumbing category although I do participate in the other forums. Within a short time I received an email from Troy asking me if I would like to participate as the moderator of the Plumbing Forum.

    It is my understanding that TROY is the founder and cheif benefactor of this endeavor and to the best of my knowledge there is no corporate sponsorship or paid staff involved.

    You will notice that there are some banner ads on the borders and Troy has asked that we encourage clicking on those occassionally as the modest income generated from those advertisements does help offset the cost of maintaining the server and related expenses of keeping it all online, but for the most part, the nucleus of this operation is a great bunch of guys who simply volunteer their time and talents to make this what i consider the best DIY forum on the internet which is evidenced by the more than 1600 posts that I have personally contributed.


    • #3
      Glad to hear all the kind words. I guess the only sponsor of this forum is me ;-) By that I mean that when the ads don't generate enough to pay the server bills, then I am left to pay them. We run a tight ship here, so that doesn't really happen anymore. But I paid this out of my pocket for years. It was worth it!

      I think we have the best group of people here. They are the most friendly and knowledgable I have seen. I started this forum years ago because I thought the internet needed a place like this, and it looks like I was right!

      It wasn't long before the questions people were posting surpassed my knowledge, and thankfully guys like Jimmer, 16x80, HayZee518 and LazyPup (and many, many more) showed up to help.

      No one here gets paid. I get asked that all the time. Everyone here is researching and answering questions out of the kindness of their heart and a desire to help people. Please remember that when someone helps you, and make sure to post back and let us know how the project went, as well as A BIG THANKS to the people who take the time out of their lives to help.


      • #4
        I am enjoying my time here, I have a lot to learn thats for sure. Nice people and good,detailed information. You should try sellilng some home improvement type videos, books and e-books to help with the server fees, I know they can be costly!!
        Alyssa Anders
        Modular Homes information, Resources and more at Modular Today.

