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Curp Appeal
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wow i love those changes, i'd be interested to see real photos of the house, do you have any?
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Hi Mr. Stan,
I actually live near a golf course. I get over 30 balls a month. With a beautiful Hemi in the driveway and my Volvo stationawagon I have already lost a windsheild and have 3 nice size dings in the Hemi. I had to sign a waiver when I bought the house. I only have a single garage and that barely holds the tools and laundry plus some well needed storage. The Hemi doesnt even fit lengthwise. So coming up with a creative solution to house the cars. Howbout some other ideas from you guys?
What is that thing on top of the garage you say? Hiddeous, I say. Its a solar panel for a waterheater unit in the garage. I was trying to build somethig to hide its ugliness. I think I will just take it out when the time comes.
Yes that is the chiminy sticking up in the middle of the house and was done by code when the home was built. The previous owners added on the isor second story with a steep stairwell which did nothing for the look of the house. You can tell it was an afterthought and not intended in the original house design. I could raise it though my roof pitch is only a 13% grade.
I have not put the drawing into play because I am too busy repairing the inside. You can check out some of my progress at
Love the forum. take care
"I can do anything I put my mind to!" Robin Mathews
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Robin, love the design. I too might rethink covering the WHOLE driveway. I LOVE the idea of the Arbor... but I am not sure i would want the spiders falling down on me when I get out of my car, or the birds sitting up there, doing what birds do on cars.. LOL. Maybe if you added the arobor/trellis just over the garage doors, sort of creating am awning effect???? As previously stated, I am not being critical, just offering food for thought.
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Looks great. Whats that box on top of the garage though. Plus I'd think twice about that covering over the driveway. Lots of added maintenance not to mention twigs and vines falling down onto the drive and vehicles. And is that a chimney on the roof that's infront of the second story. If it is you may want to consider hieghtening it to get a proper draft. Sorry, not being critical, just observant.
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Curp Appeal
This is my current house. I drew it out on the computer and then proposed a re-do keeping cost a consideration.
"I can do anything I put my mind to!" Robin MathewsTags: None
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