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Inglis IRT184300 Fridge won't cool


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  • Inglis IRT184300 Fridge won't cool

    Hi Everyone,

    my fridge won't cool anymore, i left it unplugged for a days and now i'm trying to troubleshoot the issue. i plugged it in overnight and it wasn't cool in the freezer compartment. What i do know the compressor and condenser fan is on. The evaporator fan in the freezer is on too but doesn't cool.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	87793

    This pipe to the top left is nicely chilled and frozen over. Any suggestions on what i should try first? If it is stuff in defrost mode, shouldn't the compressor and condenser fan not be running? Thanks for any suggestions in advance.


  • #2
    The only partial frosting indicates a refrigeration system problem (see the following link). There is nothing you can do for it. It will require a professional to diagnose and repair although if it is no longer under warranty, will probably not be worthwhile to pursue. A refrigeration system repair usually starts at $150+

    LINK > My frost free refrigerator is not cooling properly. What might be the problem?


    Dan O.
    The Appliance Information Site


