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GE freezer door closing problem


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  • GE freezer door closing problem

    My freezer is GE model CA13SMCRWH and the manual is for models CA10, CA13, CA16, CA19, CA21.

    Last time I went into the freezer, the door didn't close tightly. That is, it is supposed to be snug but it was very loose. Nothing was pushing against the door.

    I saw the problem is because there is a plastic hook, about 2-3" long that comes out of the door and into the freezer And evidently, normally works automatically to hold the door snugly closed. I never saw the hook before but perhaps because I wasn't looking for it.

    To get the door closed tight, I had to push it and it seemed to latch (catch). I can open it again, also. This is alright, IF it stays working like this. My concern is that if the hook should fall out or fail to close or open properly, then I will lose all the food that's in there.

    I understand that ideally I would have it serviced but I cannot afford that. Should I keep using the freezer as is or should I try to use the food as fast as I can in case it fails?

    Another option is if I could repair it myself. And I am good with repairs but only if I know how to do it.

    Thank you very much in advance if you are able to help me.

  • #2
    is the door magnetically held closed in nomal use? I mean around the door edges in the plastic are there ANY permanent magnets? I never heard about this hook unless it is a deterrent for kids.


    • #3
      Look into it before it gets worse

      Originally posted by arlener

      GE [upright] freezer model CA13SMCRWH

      there is a plastic hook, about 2-3" long that comes out of the door and into the freezer And evidently, normally works automatically to hold the door snugly closed.
      That is the door lock latch and is usually metal. It only locks when you manually insert the key into the door and turn it. It is the magnetic seal on the door that holds it closed but if the door is out of 'whack', there's only so much it can do.

      it seemed to latch (catch). I can open it again
      You CAN ??? You shouldn't be able to without using the key... or breaking the latch mechanism or the catch on the freezer cabinet.

      the freezer door didn't close tightly, it is supposed to be snug
      Inspect the door seal (all the way around) for rips and tears. Look for any possible binding at the hinge side of the door.

      Inspect the plastic inner door panel especially under the seal (all the way around) for cracks.

      Check for an equal gap between the door and the cabinet at the top and between the door and the cabinet at the bottom. The door should hang plumb compared to the cabinet.

      Make sure the door is not wobbling on the hinge pins.

      Should I keep using the freezer as is
      Someone (whether you or someone else) should look into repairing it before more damage is done that would then force you to buy a new one. If you don't have the money for service you probably don't have it for a new freezer either?


      Dan O.
      The Appliance Information Site



      • #4
        Oddly, freezer door seems ok now

        I will try to answer all who replied at one time, here.

        I went to the check the door for the first time since I noticed the trouble, to check for things you all mentioned in your replies to my post. Now the door opens and closes normally.

        Indeed, the plastic hook is lined up with the lock, which I don't currently use, and it seems that doesn't have anything to do with this problem although I thought it did.

        I couldn't locate any magnets but that is probably what is holding the door. If I fished around more I would probably find them. Since it's ok now I'll just leave it alone.

        The only thing I can think of is some food was pressing the door out, although I checked for that, moved things around and couldn't find anything. That's why I tried pushing the door shut and it then caught. It didn't at all act like it usually does which is just closing loosely but snug to the touch.

        Well, thanks for your help anyway. And I'm glad it's ok and I hope it doesn't give me any more trouble.


        • #5
          No magnets

          Originally posted by arlener

          I couldn't locate any magnets but that is probably what is holding the door. If I fished around more I would probably find them.
          Any magnets will be inside the door gasket itself which then close up against the metal of the cabinet and 'stick'. There are no other magnets.


          Dan O.

          The Appliance Information Site


