I have a fridgidaire dishwasher 3 years old......It had water sitting it in. I reran it again to no avail...it sounded like it washed but the water was still sitting at the bottom. So I felt in the filter plastic thing on top and had food in it. I cleaned that out then I pulled the propeller out and then the next piece it attached to. I cleaned broken glass in it. I put everything back and washed all the pieces...didn't see any loose bolts or screws. Put the four pieces back as I carefully removed it to make sure I can put it back...now the symptom is when running spuds spit out and no water. I let it run for 5 minuts and reopened but now smoke most likely as the water didnot come out. It sound like it was going to spray water but only spit spuds out. What did I miss? I reattached for the 5th time to make sure everything is tightly secure but still same symptopm.
I am afraid to run it since it started to smoke and I don'twant to ruin the motor.
I am afraid to run it since it started to smoke and I don'twant to ruin the motor.