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blue plastic electrical boxes


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  • blue plastic electrical boxes

    I used a blue box in the ceiling as a j-box for a splice my contractors left hidden, but i changed my mind at the last moment and turned it into a this OK since I didn't ground the box but did ground the receptacle. I usually use a metal handy box for this but not thisa time?

    It's sometimes better to be lucky than smart.
    It\'s sometimes better to be lucky than smart.

  • #2
    vdotmatrix: Of course, all that needs to be grounded is the device. By blue box you mean plastic, hence the ground must tie directly to the outlet, as I presume you have done.


    • #3
      vdotmatrix: Of course, all that needs to be grounded is the device. By blue box you mean plastic, hence the ground must tie directly to the outlet, as I presume you have done.


      • #4
        Yes, if I'm not mis-reading what you wrote, you used a blue plastic box for this junction-box-turned-outlet, right? Then of course all you had to do was ground the outlet. You can't possibly ground a plastic box!

        ~Jonathon Reinhart
        ~Jonathon Reinhart

