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Oil Burner Woes


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  • Oil Burner Woes

    Hello and thanks for taking a moment to read and/ or reply to my post. I have a Burnham Oil burner that is 12 years old. I have had it serviced annually since the year I purchased it. Last fall, I had it serviced before the heating season began but have had multiple failures once the cooler weather began. Basically, what has happened is that the furnace shuts down and the Reset button has to be pushed down to get it to restart. Some times even doing that has not resolved the situation. The oil burner technician who has a very good reputation in this area has replaced the ignition module, cleaned it and made what he thought was the necessary adjustments including replacing the filter. The first time it shut down it was during extremely cold weather and we thought the fuel line from the outside tank had frozen which it apparently did. I removed the non functioning heat cord and put in a new one as well as reinsulated the 10 ft of pipe from the tank to the house. However, the temperatures have moderated significantly and we had another shut down last week and yet another one tonight. Finally after resetting the reset switch 3 times, it has stayed on. The oil burner tech has no idea why this is happening. We do have a power exhaust system but not sure if that is the culprit but I suspect its not. But I am at my wits end .... this guy is supposed to be the best in the area and has come out twice at no charge but still its happening. Any suggestions would be appreciated greatly. BTW the pressure gauge on the filter stays in the low end so I know its not a frozen line, and I have bled the fuel line only to see a nice stream of fuel with no air or spitting. Thanks again for your time....


  • #2
    check the photo eye which sits in the backplate of the nozzle bracket. clean it off or replace it. this is the first step in unit shutdown. if good, it feeds a signal to the protect o relay, which is what you are always resetting.

