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Kid's Room is Cold


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  • Kid's Room is Cold

    As my username states I'm a new home novice. We moved into our new home about 3 weeks ago and have quickly realized that my 21 month old son's room is freezing cold while our room across the hall is like sleeping in a sauna.

    I have done everything I know to do. We have closed our our vent in our room and opened his full. We closed the vent in the spare room since it's next to his room hoping that would force more air back there.

    I read online that we might need to adjust the dampers, but I have no idea what they are or where they are on our Amana 80 SSE.

    In Michigan we have a had a pretty mild winter so far, but just in case old mother nature has a change of heart, I want to get the heat as regulated as possible. I would assume since we have central air this could be the opposite problem in the summer.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    Kid's Room is Cold

    Originally posted by newhomenovice View Post
    As my username states I'm a new home novice. We moved into our new home about 3 weeks ago and have quickly realized that my 21 month old son's room is freezing cold while our room across the hall is like sleeping in a sauna.

    I have done everything I know to do. We have closed our our vent in our room and opened his full. We closed the vent in the spare room since it's next to his room hoping that would force more air back there.

    I read online that we might need to adjust the dampers, but I have no idea what they are or where they are on our Amana 80 SSE.

    In Michigan we have a had a pretty mild winter so far, but just in case old mother nature has a change of heart, I want to get the heat as regulated as possible. I would assume since we have central air this could be the opposite problem in the summer.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Well first of all don't turn off all the other reg. Feel the air flow in that room compared to the other rooms is there a big difference?
    Is yours hot air ducts in a crawl space, basement, or attic?
    Is there a return air in each room.
    You will have to find the ducts because they maybe did not hook up that room, damper closed, or pinched off, or fell apart.


    • #3

      I'm guessing they are under the house because all the vents/returns are on the floor. We have a crawl space, so it looks like I'm going under the house tomorrow. None of the air vents blow out very hard, it's a temp thing, when air comes out of his it's cooler than when it comes out of ours.

      Thanks for the help.


      • #4
        Kid's Room is Cold

        Originally posted by newhomenovice View Post

        I'm guessing they are under the house because all the vents/returns are on the floor. We have a crawl space, so it looks like I'm going under the house tomorrow. None of the air vents blow out very hard, it's a temp thing, when air comes out of his it's cooler than when it comes out of ours.

        Thanks for the help.
        If you live in mi. check all the outdoor vents going into the crawl space ,make sure they are closed and put insulation in them. See if you have foam on the block walls.
        Is this a new home or new to you? Give me the model no. and name of the furnace.
        How many hot air openings do you have. The reason i an asking these questions is, we might have to check blower speeds and duct size. Because you said your air flow id down. Your air filter is clean? When you are looking under the house, look at the 6" round pipes and see if you find a small handle about 3" long. If you find the handle make sure it is going horizontal with the pipe.
        Last edited by paul52446m; 12-21-2011, 07:12 PM.


        • #5
          We bought the house 7.5 years ago brand new, but we weren't able to move until just recently (Michigan economy sucks!!). We had 4 renters in it, but never had a complaint about the heat.

          We have an Amana 80 SSE furnace. I'm guessing hot air openings are our vents in the rooms? If that is the case we have 9 (1 in each bedroom (3 total), 2 in the living room, 1 in the kitchen, 1 in each bathroom (2 total), 1 in the laundry room). I'm not sure where the air filter is - total novice, but I bet it probably needs to be cleaned/replaced.



          • #6
            ยป Kid's Room is Cold

            Originally posted by newhomenovice View Post
            We bought the house 7.5 years ago brand new, but we weren't able to move until just recently (Michigan economy sucks!!). We had 4 renters in it, but never had a complaint about the heat.

            We have an Amana 80 SSE furnace. I'm guessing hot air openings are our vents in the rooms? If that is the case we have 9 (1 in each bedroom (3 total), 2 in the living room, 1 in the kitchen, 1 in each bathroom (2 total), 1 in the laundry room). I'm not sure where the air filter is - total novice, but I bet it probably needs to be cleaned/replaced.

            You really need to find that filter. You might have to take the doors off the furnace, it might be inside the furnace. If that filter is dirty that will stop the air flow. Do you have air con. on this furnace? If the filter is dirty for a long time it can plug up your air con. coil. Better get all this checked out before it gets cold. Cost a lot more for gas when things are dirty. Paul

