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ProCom Construction Heater operates about 25% of the time.


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  • ProCom Construction Heater operates about 25% of the time.

    Hi Folks,
    New person here looking to see if anyone has experience working on torpedo heaters or if anyone has experienced the same problems I have with mine. I purchased a ProCom Magnum PCK 110VT construction heater for my garage about 16 months ago and it only works 25% of the time (automatic or manual mode). It's a 80-110K BTU, multi-fuel heater with about 40 hours (when it does run). The problem started the first few days after placing into service where I started getting error codes. Anything from No Fuel, spark, Airflow changed, Pump pressure wrong, etc. Last winter was warm in the north east and my garage is insulated/finished so I didn't use it much and basically forgot about it - till this year (we have had 15 sub-zero days and over 800 hours of below freezing temps). I contacted the Mfg. and after numerous attempts I got an engineer who told me that based on the serial number the heater had a defect that would throw random error codes. It was apparently the plastic side cover that had a molded protrusion that when installed on the heater would actually pinch the vacuum line to the nozzle. I had already had the heater apart numerous times trying to figure it out but when the cover if off you didn't see the problem. Anyway, I removed the molded plastic and thought I had it fixed. Same issue with not working but now the unit won't fire off if the top cover is on and will only fire 50% of the time with the top cover off. Error code indicates numerous items to troubleshoot/replace. What I've tested and changed - The heater gets fuel (plenty), the ignitor glow bright red, the fuel atomization is great and the pump pressure is right on spec. I have replaced the ignitor, nozzle, fuel filter, and vacuum lines and have tested/inspected the fuel pump and set to factory specs on tolerance - to no avail. I can see the unit start up - the ignitor comes on for 8 seconds then the fan/pump kicks in and the fuel sprays out perfectly, just not close enough to the ignitor to spark most of the time. I know I got a lemon with this model but for the life of me I can figure out why it won't lite off every time. I think the combustion chamber nozzle/ignitor mount is defective or the nozzle is the wrong spray pattern or the pump has a defect that does not keep the pressure spot on. That is the only thing I haven't replaced and frankly I'm not. Any ideas before I introduce the next series of test which will be a Sledge Hammer?

  • #2
    The ignitor gap should be right in the spray pattern off the gun. The back part of the heater houses the fan and the pump off a double shafted motor. They have a gauge that you install in that black port to adjust the air. the fuel gets sucked up via a venturi tube in the tank.


    • #3
      I agree with you 100%. I have adjusted the pump pressure from the spec of 6.9lbs to everything above and slightly below and it doesn't make a difference. The instant the motor/fan/pump kicks on the fuel spray pattern is perfect , then there is a micro second hesitation to the motor and the spray pattern changes to where it doesn't always hit the ignitor. If there wasn't that 'drop/hesitation' I think the spray would stay the same and ignite instantly. Of course that goes back to pump pressure and you can see the drop/hesitation in the pressure (with gauge) and it goes right back to spec. BUT the spray pattern doesn't return. Like I said, it's got me baffled. I have tried one trick and that was to place a small piece of wire behind the ignitor (on the nozzle side) and when it is tightened the ignitor cocks more toward the spray. This has increased the likely hood that the heater will fire by about 30% but not every time. And that is still with the top cover off.


      • #4
        check out this following you tube video. its pretty basic. if your heater uses a hot rail ignition, well you won't have a high voltage transformer and spark plug, but you will have the photocell.
        Fix No Spark was the issue with this Reddy Heat 55 INSTALL A GAUGE TO ALWAYS MONITOR YOUR PRESSURE0-15psi GAUGE(needs cheap adapter below):

