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Heat Pump Question


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  • Heat Pump Question

    This is our first winter in our home and the first with a heat pump. My question is about the noise it makes when first coming on. We don't always hear it but it is freaking out my dog. She is normally not afraid of noises - thunder, fireworks, vacuum, power tools. No reaction. But this noise made her break through the fence one day. And now she fights us about going into the backyard alone (we turn the heat off during the day now). We are under a home warranty and called for service. The technician told us that it is a normal sound for the heat pump as it defrosts. Sounds odd to me. We live in Tucson. We had one week of night temperatures in the mid 30s but daytime in the 50-60 range. Why would the heat pump defrost in the daytime? The techs answer was live with it and get another dog.

    A Heimann

  • #2
    Sorry to say yes you will have the noise. Have not heard of it making a dog run away . Cant say just why it defrost that much on you . but a timer and temp on the defrost board tells it when it has to defrost. Could you need a new board there to cut down on how often it goes into defrost.I would think its dry out there and you dont have to defrost as much. What you hear is the 4 way valve and the freon going in the lines that turns the ac back on and the compressor runs to get all the ice off the coils out there. Now we have blankets to cover the compressors to cut down on its noise. just out of the box here. I dont see why you cant turn the power off and go inside the unit and cover up the 4 way valve and lines some to cut down on some of the noise.make sure any cover you put in there cant be sucked up in the fan.


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