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Incinerator removal


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  • Incinerator removal

    This is a bit of an odd question, especially seeing it has to do with an old incinerator, BUT would anyone here be able to give me an approxamate weight (or even a pretty good guess)of one of those typical pre-fabricated incinerators that were installed in almost every apartment building built in the late 50's or early 60's.. ( steel clad, brick lined..) I am just curious because I know of an owner of a building that would like the one in his building "relocated", ---> as in out the door but in one piece IF possible.....
    I was guessing somewhere along the lines of being no lighter than 5 tons, no heavier than 7... that sound about correct???


  • #2
    Might check there but the fire brick come out first to move it.


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    My mistakes dont define me they inform me.


    • #3
      Ya, I could take the brick out but in reality we want it out in one piece because it might find a new "home" doing "light duty".. NOT as an actual incinerator but modified with some sort of heat exchanger on the flue to be used as a wood fired heater for a shop... We figure it will be ideal because of the large size of the firebox, the high heat it will burn at hopefully should burn wood hot enough there will be very little or no smoke when its going full tilt, ( going to put a fan in the side where an oil burner once was to force feed a bit more air into the firebox), and to top it off its "free", providing we can get it out that is![]
      Think the idea would work or am I just "blowin smoke"????


