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humidistat/thermostat combination


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  • humidistat/thermostat combination

    I live in Florida and have a humidistat/thermostat combination for heating and cooling. When I'm away for a period of time I leave my humidistat on about 60% and my thermostat on 75 degrees. The house is usually around 85 degrees. I'm told that the humidistat is the controller and that if the humidity remains below 60% the A/c won't come on. I thought that the A/C would work EITHER when the humidity rose above 60% OR when the temperature rose above 75 degrees. Anyone know which is correct????

  • #2
    Not for sure just what set up you have there. but we do it that way a lot . When your home push the humitistat down all the way and set the tstat for the temp you want. When you are away for a long time say in the summer push the tstat all the way down and the humidistatback up to the 60% or 65% you want in the home while you are gone.


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    My mistakes dont define me they inform me.


    • #3
      That's exactly what I do. I was just wondering if the A/C won't come on until the humidity reaches the level set on the humidistat. For example, I'm told that the A/C won't come on no matter what the thermostat is set at or what the temp in the house is until the humidity goes above the humidistat setting. So, if my thermostat is set at 70 degrees the house temperature can get to 80 degrees if the humidity is low. Is that correct???


      • #4
        wow interesting way of putting it.

        | | |


        • #5
          You got it. Thats how it works. Now not day in and day out but when you are away for a long time down here. We wire them so they are in line with each other. When your home set the humidistat so it calls all the time. Then the stat temp will control it. when you are going to be away for a time. Set the stat temp so it calls all the time and push the humidistat up to the % you want while your away


          My mistakes dont define me they inform me.
          My mistakes dont define me they inform me.

