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Carrier heatpump


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  • Carrier heatpump

    can some of you give me a diagram off the wiring between an carrier 38BH-009k WITH R-22 and an carrier 42vkg009aw

    the 38Bh009k have these terminals N Y O W2
    the 42vkg009aw have these terminlals S1 S2 Y O W2 C R

    i now i will be able to run but i have not the diagram
    so if someone here know's ill be happy.

    Please mail me the diagram.

  • #2
    S1 and S2 are for a sensor Y=call for a/c O=reversing valve W2=defrost heat, C=common, R=24V hot wire from transformer not really that different from your current setup but with the sensor inputs


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    • #3
      many thanks for your answer.
      but were to connect the 220 volt ( line and zero )
      and with your configyration what about N on the 38bh009k
      and how will compressor start with that konfiguration.

      in the manuael for the outside part is written 220 volt from the inside part
      and for inside part is written 220volt from the outside part.

      it's not matching carrier in an outside part's but i know they can run together but not how

      i have thinking about the 220 volt line to R and C to N on the outside part.
      and then Y to Y and O to O and W2 to W2
      the S1 and S2 is not on the outside part.

      Hope some one can help me, and sorry for my english spelling


      • #4
        Call a HVAC Tech before you blow out more parts than what the unit is worth. I am serious when I say this. It will save you money to have someone come out.


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        • #5
          Thank´s for your answer´s
          as you say the R= 24 volt and c= common i have heard that they use a relay to adopt the two part´s but no one can tell me how.

          the 38 bg009K have these terminals

          N = Neutral poer supply
          Y = compressor interlocking contact
          o = Reversing valve control
          w2 = outdoor fan signal

          the 42vkg009aw have these terminals

          R = Live connection Indoor/outdoor unit
          C = neutral connection Indoor/outdoor unit
          Y = compressor interlocking contact
          o = Reversing valve heat pump
          w2 = outdoor fan signal
          s1= coil sensor
          s2 = coil sensor

          i been told this configuration can be running with an relay to adopt the two part's but not how.

          if the indoor unit is for 24 volt how will the compressor so be able to run, there is only terminal for N = neutral no line terminals on the outdoor unit.

          and what about the s1 and s2 the manuael say´s if not connected the 42 will go in alarm mode.

          hope some off you can solve this for me

