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Oil Burner Control Clicking


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  • Oil Burner Control Clicking

    nothing worst than waking up cold! i have a yukon husky oil/ wood burner. only use the oil burner though. it will cycle after you hit the reset on the oil burner control (which is a honeywell) sometimes run for awhile but then you hear it buzzing. hit the reset again and it cycles again sometimes it will continue to run but a least 1 a day you have to go down there and reset it . then sometimes you here it kick on run for a few minutes ,click off then relight run for awhile then click off again. welcome any wisdom. thanks

  • #2
    When you have to "re-set"a burner more than once you know there is something not working right.
    when was the last time the nozzle was replaced? have you changed the oil filter(at tank) in the last year or two.? have you cleaned/adjusted/ replaced the electrodes in the last couple of years? Has the air/fuel ratio been checked in the past few years.?is the Barometric damper adjusted properly?

    if the answer to any of these above questions is a 'no', then it's time to have it "tuned up" by a tech.


    • #3
      yes i just took the electrodes out and had them tested to see if the ceramic was cracked or jumping spark,had them readjusted with that wonderful little guage, new nozzle,new fuel filter ,and fuel tank is full. not sure however to test fuel /air ratio.


      • #4
        one cause of having to 'reset' a burner is often caused by a 'dirty' Cad Cell. Does your unit have an cad cell. Another cause can be a weak transformer putting out less than 10,000 volts, and causing a mis- fire.
        What make and model is your burner....Riello or a Beckett? or other brand?


        • #5
          for the fuel air ratio you need a manometer. hube is correct in assuming the Cad Cell is not functioning. A dirty window will send the unit into lockout.


          • #6
            it is a wayne burner,is the cad cell also called the eye or is that one of the little boxes in the burner control box.thanks again for your time.


            • #7
              i replaced the cad cell today . it hasn't went into lock out since. thanks alots guys this takes alot of stress away. i really do appreciate it

