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No heat to basement...


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  • No heat to basement...

    Hey guys...

    Thanks for the help in the past, and here's another one for you...

    I have a hot water/baseboard heating system with a natural gas furnace. It is a three zone with 3 Taco 003-f7 circulators mounted near the furnace. The furnace is on the first floor and provides heat to the first floor, second floor, and basement via baseboard.

    I had a plumber in for the last job where the expansion tank was broken at the weld, and he drained the system and replaced it, along with a "noisy circulator pump" for the second floor. As the second floor did not get hot the first time we inspected the house, but did the second time, I opted for him to replace it "just in case" to avoid having the system drained again.

    The basement never got hot, at least since I've had the house. I called the plumber who installed the unit, and he stated that it is most likely the motor for the circulator pump. If this is the case, does the system need to be drained in order to replace just the motor. It looks like it comes off without removing the entire unit.

    Does this sound right? Is it something a lay person can do? If the problem isnt the "pump" what else could it be?

    Thanks again,
    Ben Campos
    Lincoln Park, NJ

  • #2
    If there are isolation valves on either side of the circulator and unions that you can break - go for it!

