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Bryant Plus 90 won't stay lit


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  • Bryant Plus 90 won't stay lit

    I've got an 18-year-old Bryant Plus 90 (398AAW model) forced-air gas furnace that won't stay lit. The "pilot light" automatically ignites, and the burner ignites, but the flames slowly die out over a few seconds, at which point the burner re-ignites (and dies out again). Lather, rinse, repeat.

    My exhaust and air intake vents aren't obstructed, the drain tube is open (I blew through it), and I was able to both blow and suck through the little pressure hose attached to the burner and the pressure valve. I could hear the valve kicking in as I blew, so I assume it's working properly.

    What am I missing? Is there some other safety that could be causing my flame to shut down, or is there some problem with the gas supply? I'd hate to just start swapping parts (e.g., replacing $200 circuit boards) if I'm overlooking some simple temperature safety switch that's bad.

    I feel comfortable replacing parts since I've worked for years as a home appliance repairman (the family business) and know how to work on machines, but I don't have any furnace experience so I need some help with the diagnosis.


  • #2
    check out the hot surface ignitor. it is made of silicon graphite and is very fragile. it fires up off 120 volts and when a flame is established, its resistance changes to open the main valve. I checked the Rudd site this morning and they seem to run about 22-35 dollars each.


    • #3
      What is this "Rudd" site you speak of?


      • #4
        Rudd is a manufacturer of gas furnaces

