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Ice around pipe on HVAC unit


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  • Ice around pipe on HVAC unit

    My HVAC has ice around the pipe connected to the furnace. A repair guy said he cant get out to check the unit until middle of the week but told me to check the filter to see if its dirty or clogged. Is he referring to the furnace filter? Also he said to turn off the system and let it thaw out. I noticed that the black pipe had condensation on it and the HVAC was dripping water out of one of the corners. The outside fan was blowing warm air so thats working but cold air was not coming out of the vents. The first floor and upstairs are hot while the basement is cool as usual. My questions I guess are 1) Is there a fast way of thawing out the HVAC unit, and 2) Is there a second filter inside the HVAC unit because if the repair guy was referring to the furnace filter then that was replaced last month and it looks clean and fine.

  • #2
    there's a seperate filter for the a/c and the furnace. there's a A coil in the ductwork that goes out of the furnace. if a unit is low on freon the suction side pipes will freeze. the evaporator ciols will also freeze blocking air flow through it. easiest way to thaw it is to just shut it off. don't go poking any object inside the coil. you might puncture a tube or something and be looking a one high service call.


    • #3
      Thanx Hayzee, I did shut off the A/C and furnace and now the ice has melted. Should I wait for the repairman or is it safe to look and the coil or turn the air back on?


      • #4
        low freon will almost certainly freeze up the evaporator - and the service tech will have to wait until the ice is thawed again. if you can stand it, leave it off. if you can't when air flow gets reduced, shut it off again.

