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Now what Bryant 90 plus model 398aaw


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  • Now what Bryant 90 plus model 398aaw

    Ok so last week i had the problem with the pilot not igniting, after many times takn apart with the help of Hayzee i got it fixed. Askin for your help or anyone elses help at this time again. Now i came home today and i hear a weird noise comn from basement. Low and behold it is the furnace. lol Now the first fan that kicks on is constantly turning on and off. So i did the easy thing and adjusted the thermostat up higher and of course im not that lucky, Tried shuttin off power to it and nope still doing it. Any ideas

  • #2
    I had a local heating and air co come out and after a half hr they decided it was my inducer control board. I as able to get a used one from a friend that told me it worked when he pulled it out so i put it in my furnace. Turned it on and now just the blower motor kicks on. All wires are hooked up the same. So then i took that one off and put my old inducer board on and now it turns blower on. Both now do the same thing. PLEASE ANY IDEAS. Cant afford another 70 bucks for service call. I found a new board for 90 shipped but if thats not the problem that would suck


    • #3
      I have a coupla ideas. I'll drag out your prints and try to come up with some suggestions. I know how things can get when money is tight.


      • #4
        I ended up calln back the local company. Same guy came out. He found the reason the fan was coming on and nuthing else was because the fuse was blown. Still the inducer fan kicked on and off. So he got out a new circuit board. Still same thing. Then i asked if would have anything to do with me pulling the pilot igniter off and he said no shouldnt. He got to lookn around and saw some black on the 3 wire pilot assy. Well it turns out that one time i installed it and didnt have the little oraface in to regulate gas it made a big flame and burnt one wire which waS s shorting out. After all this said and done he said a new on through his co would cost $325!!!!! i told him i can get one cheaper.So he fills out his paper work and told me the total was $255. I tell u that was a very expensive mistake i made by not havn the little oraface in!!! only cost me a little over $325 by the time u add first service call in. Then tells me to get the furnace replaced by next year and hopefully this one can last all winter

