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Wiring a Heat Pump


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  • Wiring a Heat Pump

    I have the following equipment:
    Carrier Heatpump 38YRA060300 (Circa 2001)
    Lennox Gas Heater G12Q3-137 (Circa 1977)
    Honeywell T8411R

    The installer (name withheld) hooked up the system and then told me there is no way to hook this up to take advantage of the heat pumps heat cycle ($5000.00 later). I would like to know if there is a way to connect these so that I can take advantage of the heat cycle without additional costs. The Gas heater though old is still reliable though not very efficient. The cooling cycle works very well during the summer. He insists there is no way to correct this without replacing the furnace. Another company quoted $7-800 to correct the issue. By the way when intially hooked up he wired in reverse so I know the heat cycle will work it just will not swtch the valve when the TStat is filled to heat.

    Getting cold, desperate and dollar poor in Kansas.

  • #2
    You will most likely need a new thermostat.
    You definitely need a professional who knows what they are doing.
    You could possibly do it yourself depending on your back ground education and capabilities but if you mess up it will cost you more.
    It also probably cost you less to run the gas furncace than it does your electric heat pump. Cost ratio for the typical heating methods is as follows:
    Electric is 1:1
    Heat pump 3:1
    Natural Gas 5:1
    This meaning you get the best output/cost from NG.

    It should have been installed correctly in the first place. If it wasn't then call the installers boss and let him know. If it is the boss then have some one do it right if he doesn't want to and give the installer the bill and let him know if he doesn;t want to pay for it you will take legal action.

