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BDP Furnace Not Igniting


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  • BDP Furnace Not Igniting

    I have a BDP Model 558ANW042080AAAG (so labeled!) furnace that I'm sure is the original from when my house was built about 12 years ago. When the heat is turned on, it acts like it wants to start up--the fan spins, the gas blows, and I can tell it attempts to ignite by the clicking it makes. It never ignites, but makes several tries. (And I smell natural gas!!!)

    I have pulled the ignitor--an oversimplified spark plug. It has one lead coming off a coil on the printed circuit control board and passes through, via a porcelain insulator, a grounded bracket on the other end where it mounts. There is a second prong coming off the mounting bracket that is the ground. It apparently is supposed to send a high voltage surge down the wire (it's rated a 25kv--I don't have a meter that will measure that high) and the voltage is supposed to jump the gap and spark the gas into burning.

    It doesn't spark across the gap (tested with gas off and out of its original mounting position, but for sure grounded). When I test the output from the pc board coil with another wire and try to get it to ark to ground, I can get a tiny spark, but nothing to jump the 1/8" gap it's supposed to jump. I therefore assume that I am not getting the proper voltage down the "spark plug wire" and need to know how to remedy this.

    I figure a repair guy would just swap out the ignition control module (LH33WP003A), and I may need to do so, but I (1) don't want to unless that is for sure the problem, and (2) don't want to if I don't need to because it'll run me $250!!

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    go to a white rodgers site and pick out your igniter module. I got a replacement for a gas dryer and it cost me only $86. - there's a 50D50-842 or 843 module.
    Last edited by HayZee518; 12-16-2007, 06:22 AM. Reason: added a line


    • #3
      Thanks, HayZee. I looked up white rodgers, including the numbers you suggest, and those devices don't look anything like the module I may need to replace. I realize that doesn't mean they won't work, but I'm squeamish about changing out parts without knowing the exact spec match. The cross refs on the products don't list my board.

      Implicit in what you are saying, is that I need to replace the board for sure. If I have to go that route, I will but wanted to know if there are other things to test or ways to know before blowing the cash.

      The best price I can find is at (LH33WP003). [the board won't let me post a direct link]

      This is an exact match to the one currently in the furnace.


