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Heat pump circuit breaker trip and outside fan unit not running


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  • Heat pump circuit breaker trip and outside fan unit not running

    Hi all,

    I have a bryant plus 90 central air furnance about 10 year old. The AC was running fine put out cold air until lastnight, the furnance is running putting, warm air coming out, outside fan unit not running, circuit breaker keep tripping everytime I reset it and turn the furnance back on.

    Anybody having the same problem, I check the wire and fuse and all look ok. Please help. Thanks

  • #2
    you have either the fan motor or more likely the compressor is short to ground. you need to call a pro to come look at it unless your handy with a meter.


    • #3
      Originally posted by hvacwiz View Post
      you have either the fan motor or more likely the compressor is short to ground. you need to call a pro to come look at it unless your handy with a meter.
      Thanks for the quick replied, I have a Goodman Heat pump CKL36-1H and somebody going to come out today and look at it.

