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Two Stage Thermostat Needed?


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  • Two Stage Thermostat Needed?

    A few years ago I had a new furnace installed. The Honeywell digital thermostat that I have is 14-15 years old. I was told that it might be beneficial to pick up a newer, two-stage thermostat. However, as it is now, the furnace runs for awhile, then if needed, I can hear it kick in high. So my question is.... Do I need a two-stage thermostat? (From my layman viewpoint, it seems that the furnace is already doing what a two-stage thermostat would make it do.)
    Thanks for your insight.

  • #2
    all this boils down to is: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" at the time the furnace was installed, it was then state of the art with a thermostat matched to the furnace. I suppose you could go adding things but the bottom line is the furnace can only put out what it was designed to do. when you have a major breakdown, THEN start looking to replace it. I know its like putting the horse before the cart, but like I said before "its working." go to the store and buy a telephone. bring it home plug it in. its a new phone to you. two weeks down the line, the phone is obsolete. do you buy another one? the phone is still working, why should you?


    • #3
      The furnace is only 3 years old, it's the thermostat that is old. I can't imagine a breakdown any time soon. Regardless, if I understand you correctly, it sounds like you don't think it's worth changimg?
      Thanks again.


      • #4
        Nawwww..... I don't think it matters, but then you'll find all sorts of people with other opinions. I had a monitor heater when I moved into this house I'm in. The heater was here when I got here and least I can recall it was here for 12 years plus. I ended up changing it last year so, my heater worked until last year so we're taling 22 years plus. I think that's enough time.


        • #5
          Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.

