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furnace leaking water


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  • furnace leaking water

    this is part of my last question...furnace, i took off all hoses that go to the condensate trap...washed the condensate trap out..cleaned out hoses by running water threw then air..checked the condensate pump cleaned that made sure that was working and not the only other thing i can think of, is i had a service guy come in about a month ago because the furnace would not fire...he changed the pressure switch....not with the same type from carrier, the origanal was much bigger than the honywell that he put as for where the water is comming from ???? The water is inside behind the fan along the seam for the heat box..not a lot..but the floor under the front is soaked...i took off the cover for the fan and filter and its dry in how is the water getting to the ground..i dont want to call a service guy the last one ....realy stuck it to me...300.00 to just replace a pressure switch that cost 30.00....thanks for any help or advice you can give....hube i think i did what you not sure..i took off the ac coil cover thats dry and clean..

  • #2
    ok, you've checked and cleaned the trap ,lines,everything below the entrance to the trap.Make sure the vent pipe is not creating this condensate and leaking into the exchanger. (this would be rare) The problem being still there, tells me there is an obstruction above, such as a "off-level" condensate pan or a damaged base to this entry pan. You will have to remove the blower assembly to get at it. Keep us posted, and good luck, Hube


    • #3
      hube...when i was cleaning the lines to the trap, i wanted to get behind the fan so i started to remove it, but dident want to get to involved in something that i couldent get back together....its cold outside....any how i started to remove the rubber coupling from the fan case to the vent pipe and water started to come out...if something was clogging the vent pipe i assume the furnace would not run....does the pressure switch have anything to do with water or condensation....i picked up the old one and water poured out from one of the hose fittings....

