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Rheem Criterion II Furnace Issue


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  • Rheem Criterion II Furnace Issue

    I have a 2001 Rheem Criteron II furnace and a couple of times in the last month the furnace has failed to kick in when the thermostat tells it to. On both occasions, one of the two green lights has been blinking (three or four times - I can't remember which). The first time it happened, I took the top panel off to investigate and happened to lightly tap the black round part just to the top left inside the panel. This part has two wires and a rubber tube coming out of it. The furnace immediately started up and worked fine for a couple of weeks. It then did the same thing a few days ago, so I did the same thing in response and it started up again! What's going on, and will a basic service call take care of it or am I in line for a major repair?

  • #2
    that thing is an air diaphragm switch. it "proves" that there is an upward draft to your chimney. it is a safety device DO NOT BYPASS IT!


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply. So, by the sounds of it, the furnace is fine and it's the flue that needs checking out...


      • #4
        the proving switch could be going bad, cracked hose, there are may things that needs checked. like HayZee said don't bypass safety....
        Is it beer thirty??


        • #5
          Originally posted by STC1 View Post
          I have a 2001 Rheem Criteron II furnace and a couple of times in the last month the furnace has failed to kick in when the thermostat tells it to. On both occasions, one of the two green lights has been blinking (three or four times - I can't remember which). The first time it happened, I took the top panel off to investigate and happened to lightly tap the black round part just to the top left inside the panel. This part has two wires and a rubber tube coming out of it. The furnace immediately started up and worked fine for a couple of weeks. It then did the same thing a few days ago, so I did the same thing in response and it started up again! What's going on, and will a basic service call take care of it or am I in line for a major repair?
          Like you have been told, that is a pressure switch and it could be getting weak.
          Drain could be backing up and not letting the switch make. Stack can have a blockage in it. Ice build up in cold weather can block the stack outside.
          Take the hose off going to the pressure make sure there is no water in the switch, check for small cracks in the hose. Run a small wire in the hole where
          the hose inters the furnace to make sure that is clear. Keep tract of the wind
          speed when this happens. If the switch is getting weak a strong wind can stop it. Make sure the inducer assembly is tight so its not sucking air around the gasket. Later Paul

