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One room is too hot


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  • One room is too hot

    I have searched the forum, forgive me if this has been covered before, but I can't find an answer.

    I'm in Texas and in the summer it gets really hot here, especially during the day. I have an 1800 sq ft house and all of the rooms get A/C fairly well except for one of the small bedrooms in the northwest corner of the house.

    this room stays hotter than the rest of the house and I want to do something to help get air flowing into the return.

    our return is in the hallway (we only have 1 return) and the other rooms leading off of this hallway all have adequate return.

    we had a company come thru a couple of years ago and check the "seal" of our house. they verified there were no major leaks in the A/C system and no major escapes of air from the house to the exterior. all of that was good, so I know the pressure coming from the A/C unit INTO the room should be OK.

    what can I do to get the air return to work better in this room? or should I just try to add a larger vent from the unit into this room?

    any thoughts?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Beagleboy View Post
    I have searched the forum, forgive me if this has been covered before, but I can't find an answer.

    I'm in Texas and in the summer it gets really hot here, especially during the day. I have an 1800 sq ft house and all of the rooms get A/C fairly well except for one of the small bedrooms in the northwest corner of the house.

    this room stays hotter than the rest of the house and I want to do something to help get air flowing into the return.

    our return is in the hallway (we only have 1 return) and the other rooms leading off of this hallway all have adequate return.

    we had a company come thru a couple of years ago and check the "seal" of our house. they verified there were no major leaks in the A/C system and no major escapes of air from the house to the exterior. all of that was good, so I know the pressure coming from the A/C unit INTO the room should be OK.

    what can I do to get the air return to work better in this room? or should I just try to add a larger vent from the unit into this room?

    any thoughts?
    You did not say if you have relief air open from this bed to the hall way where the return air is at. If you don't have a relief air open then you need
    to put one high in the side wall to get the hot air that is high out of that room. If you open the bedroom do you have a good air flow going into the room? later paul


    • #3
      install a louvered register high up on a wall that dumps into the hallway. if you can get one with a damper put that in so you can shut it or throttle the flow down as you need it.


      • #4
        Hi Paul, thanks for responding.

        it does not have a return anywhere in the room if that's what you mean by "relief air open". none of the rooms have returns in them - there's only one return and it's in the hallway.

        but the room stays hotter than the rest of the house even if I leave the door open to this room. it's obviously several degrees hotter as soon as you walk thru the doorway.


        • #5
          Originally posted by HayZee518 View Post
          install a louvered register high up on a wall that dumps into the hallway. if you can get one with a damper put that in so you can shut it or throttle the flow down as you need it.
          do you think it will benefit the room even if I am leaving that door open all the time and it's still hotter in there?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Beagleboy View Post
            Hi Paul, thanks for responding.

            it does not have a return anywhere in the room if that's what you mean by "relief air open". none of the rooms have returns in them - there's only one return and it's in the hallway.

            but the room stays hotter than the rest of the house even if I leave the door open to this room. it's obviously several degrees hotter as soon as you walk thru the doorway.
            It will not do you any good to add a relief vent if it is running too hot with the door open. You must not be pumping enough air into that room. sounds like you need to check the duct run to see if damper is open and not to restricted on that run. later paul


            • #7
              thanks, Paul. I had a HVAC person come out and check it out. he says that when the system was installed they put a smaller boot on the junction at the vent than they should have and that it was a straight boot instead of a 90degree angle, so the duct is more restricted going into this room.

              he didn't think fixing only that boot would solve it, tho, he said the entire house's duct system was incorrect. go figure.

              I think I'll call someone else and get a 2nd opinion and see if they'll replace just the boot with a proper one and see if that doesn't help.

              thanks for your suggestions, guys.

