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Monitor 30 makes noise but not heat


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Korndogg View Post
    I did some searching online.. I think that you must have meant 2.5 psi from gravity feed. I found that you can estimate gravity feed pressure at about 0.5psi per foot. If that is accurate then it sounds like the tank should be 4.5' above the base of the monitor? That's not happening unless I'm going fill the tank with a 6' step ladder.
    Currently the tank is 12" above the base of the monitor so 0.5-1.0psi depending on how full the tank is. It is currently half full. I just fired up the heater for a while and it worked well without unusual sounds. I will keep an eye/ear on it when the tank starts getting low and raise the shelf a bit more if I need to.

    Thanks for all of the help guys - I really appreciate it!


    You will not hear a thumping in the heater if this one runs out of kerosene it does not have a fuel pump. Is gravity fed and has two small selinoids but you will not hear anything if it runs out of kerosene.

