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Monitor 441


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  • Monitor 441

    Monitor has been running for about a week, .unit will start and pot gets hot but no flame, sounds like it panting. Cleared out of fuel line going into pot which was plugged and have fuel up to pump. flame detector looks good and I can hear igniter clicking on than light flashes and unit shuts down.

  • #2

    uh, igniter does not click. did you mean the fuel pump? that makes a thumping sound when its starved for fuel. check the constant level control in the sump. as fuel is used, the float should open to replenish the fuel inside.
    what error code flashes?


    • #3
      Monitor 441

      When burner lights kick on, unit will pop inside of burner and than it sounds like its panting inside of burner. burner will get hot to the touch, but no sign of flame and than burner lights will click off and unit shutsdown and than all 7 burner status lights will flash, no codes . I unplugged fuel line going into burner, checked igniter which is clean and checked flame detector which is clean with no carbon. Cleaned fuel filters. No noise around fuel pump at all.


      • #4

        the igniter is at the bottom of the combustion pot. I don't know how you cleaned it as the element is coiled up inside a ceramic tube.
        the sequence of events. is the combustion fan running? if it is not then that's first on your list to find out.
        if it is running then the air proving switch should be closed telling the pump to pump fuel.
        if the flow to the combustion pot is restricted, you could be burning kero within the air space between the two combustion pot parts - the outer sleeve and the sleeve itself.
        when the fuel ignites there is a dull whump sound.
        remove the flexible air line and stick your finger inside and see if the internal fan spins freely.


        • #5
          Monitor 441

          I didn't clean the igniter, the ceramic tube was nice and clean when I took it out, combustion fan is working fine with plenty of air flow, starts thru cycle but no flame in pot. Shuts down and flashes lights on burner status panel.


          • #6

            ok, let's check it out systematically.
            take the unit apart and remove the top of the combustion chamber, don't break the gasket. Its very flimsy.
            Look into the pot at the burner mat.
            If it has lifted itself up off the bottom, then its time to replace it. it may be destroyed at this point.
            take out the burner ring so you can see the burner mat. Look for a deformed burner ring. if its got a wierd shape replace it.
            there's three clips that slide under three pins in the sleeve. rotate the ring and remove it.
            to check out the pump, place the capillary from the combustion pot into a small jar and start the unit. good fuel flow should be in spurts into the jar.
            while you are there use a 1/8 inch twist drill by hand and remove any carbon in the tube.

