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E14 message after fixing E13-Monitor 2400


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  • E14 message after fixing E13-Monitor 2400

    I fixed the E13 error on my monitor 2400 by changing the fuel filter and cleaning the sump. Now the unit will fire up and the blower kicks on, but after a few minutes, the pump starts to make noise like it is not getting fuel or enough fuel, and I can see a quick, bright yellow flame through the window before I get an E14 code. Before getting the E13 code this past spring, I have had any error messages before. What should my next step be in trying to get this heater to work properly? Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    We will need to see a picture of your fuel tank and line, if possible. You need to be sure your tank is high enough and there are no big dips in your line. If you have a Golden Rod filter, you may need to bleed the air off the top of the filter. Just loosen the nut at the tank and let the air and fuel run into a bucket. Once it runs steady with fuel you should be good.


    • #3
      Check if there is fuel in the sump and if there is fuel in the line.
      You might of disturbed the sump float while cleaning the sump and it's stuck.
      Also, you could unplug the heater from the outlet to be safe, remove the pump from the sump. Put in small container with kero and fire up your heater.


      • #4
        It's been awhile, but today was my first chance to get back into the monitor. I took your advice and put the sump pump into a bowl with kerosene outside of the unit. The monitor worked fine with no errors and the pump was quiet and getting plenty of fuel. So figuring a supply issue, I drained the fuel from the line and blew the line out. I checked the filter on the sump, and it looked pretty clean. When hooked everything back up, and turned the fuel supply on, the fuel came out much slower from the drain hole on the side of the pump than it did from the hole where the filter goes. Is that normal? The fuel tank is about chest high off the ground and more than 18 inches above the fuel inlet. Does the direction of the fuel filter gasket matter, bulb in or bulb out?


        • #5
          Does the direction of the fuel filter gasket matter, bulb in or bulb out??? I'm not sure what you mean here.


          • #6
            The direction of the fuel filter gasket does not matter, in fact the bulb was created by the suction from pump. It's just a gasket to prevent leak.
            As you stated, you do not have good fuel flow mainly caused by air trapped in the main line or the filter after the tank is restricting fuel flow.
            First inspect and replace the tank filter. If you dont have new one, remove the tank filter and see if you have good flow.


            • #7
              Thanks megrinoise. I replaced the filter at the tank today and tried to run the heater both with the new filter and without. I was still getting the E14 message in both situations. I no longer think I have a flow issue, but it seems like the float is sticking to the magnet during use. If I hold the red button down once the pump starts clicking, I can hear it make contact with the float and I can keep the heater running. Do I need that magnet? Won't the float mechanism keep the fuel from overflowing without the magnet? I'm thinking about just removing it and calling it fixed.

              Of course, if there is a proper repair, I would prefer to do that.


              • #8
                Do not remove the magnet. It is there to keep the float up hard against the top to completely shut off the fuel in an emergency. We need to see your tank and fuel lines and tank vent.


                • #9
                  I am having trouble uploading any photos (image size too big). I will try again when I can get on a computer.

                  I removed the magnet to see how it would run. It runs fine with no issues. So it seems I have ruled out a flow issue from the tank. The issue would then be that fuel is coming into the sump faster than it is going out, or that the float level is so high that the magnet engages everytime the sump fills. Is this the right train of thought? Is there a way to adjust the float level?

                  I am having a hard time imagining what purpose the magnet serves. Because if the fuel level filled up enough for the float to hit the magnet, wouldn't it do that everytime the fuel pump shut off? Then you would have to press the red button everytime the heater kicked on. I know it is there for a reason, but in my situation, it seems like the reason is to shut off the fuel supply ever couple minutes.

                  I appreciate the help so far and any help going forward.


                  • #10
                    You need a new sump. Don't remove the magnet it keeps the valve shut with a little pressure to keep the sump from flooding. I don't think the new MOnitors have an adjuster on the sump valve. All in all, get a brand new sump.


                    • #11
                      Thank you, hawkins111. I appreciate it. Do you have any recommendations for where to find a new sump. I have found a couple used ones on ebay, but new would be preferred.


                      • #12
                        Hickory Home and Gardens has a lot of Monitor parts. They bought a lot of Monitor parts when the company went out of business. They can also be found on EBAY, where you can buy new old stock.

