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Faucet washer problem


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  • Faucet washer problem

    Can anyone help me with a little "annoyance" before I tie the whole mess to my truck and RIP IT OUT OF THE WALL!!!

    The problem I am having is with my bathtub faucets.. Seems that at least every 2 months I have to replace the washer on the hot side, and every 6 or so months the cold side washer aborts mission on me!
    I have replaced both seats last time I had the problem, and they were a bit damaged, but yet a short time later the hot faucet washer is finished (Cold side is still holding, still crossing my fingers)
    Anyone have any idea why I am losing so many washers so fast or could they just be "junk" washers? Anything better on the market I could try instead? some good "name brand" that has proven good in the past?
    Oh ya, pressure around my place varies, from 45- 70 P.S.I depending on time of day, and my hot water heater (tankless) isn't really set extremely hot.. 115-120*F at the most.

    Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated!!

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Tell me, are you or others in your house in the habit of turning these taps off "too hard"? Turning them off too hard can be hard on washers and some times will distort them, especially if the seat has been damaged. Just try "snugging" the tap closed, and they may last longer. Youngsters are especially adept at closing them too hard, but sometimes Adults do the same.. Hope this helps..Good luck...Hube


    • #3
      Hey Hube!
      Thank you for the reply!
      Actually I don't think anyone is reefing the taps closed, but thats something I will keep an eye on it could very well be the problem! I just thought it was wierd because its only the tub taps and nothing else. The laundry tub has conventional washers in it and they are like 15 years old and never have been replaced!!!
      As for the tub taps, I have tried the new seats, and even "beveled" washers because apparently they seat and seal better than regular ones. but they still are going bad . When I do replace them, regardless of being flat or bevelled, it does look like the seat has pressed hard into the washer and destroyed it, kind of "mushrooming" it out!

      Guess I will have to make sure everyone is a little bit more careful with the plumbing!


      • #4
        one of the most common causes of washer failure results from a minor error in the installation. Whenever the stem is removed to check and/or repair washers and seats you should make sure the stem is in the full open position before threading it back into the faucett body. Often a stem is removed, the seats and washers replaced and the seat is screwed back in as is. The result is that the stem pushes the new washer back into the same position as the defective washer, thus immediately distorting the new washer.


        • #5
          Ahh, you know what, I am going to have to take a lot more care in changing out the washers next time, I didnt realize that I should have the stem full open, and have been changing them with the stem in whatever position!
          Again thank you for the reply I really appreciate the help!!


