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HELP! new house ceiling leaking under wash/dry rm


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  • HELP! new house ceiling leaking under wash/dry rm

    I just moved into a new house last week and only today did I use the washer on the third floor(nothing went wrong during inspection and walk-through). When I walked down to my second floor, I noticed water linings on the ceiling. Worse yet, the ends of the lines were dripping. I went back up to the washer/dryer room and checked that there were no visible overflow or leakage from the washer itself. I suspect that the pipes going to and from the washer is leaking.

    I just want to know what my options are and what the related costs are. I am a first time homeowner (age 25, single). I am unbelievably upset but don't know what to do. Can anyone help me?

  • #2
    IN order to help you we require a bit more information.

    Is this a new house or an older house that is new to you?

    Is the leaking pipe a water supply pipe or a drain pipe?

    What kind of material is the pipe?

