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Kitchen Sink Hot Water Hammers???


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  • Kitchen Sink Hot Water Hammers???

    This is driving me nuts.

    When you turn on the hot water to my kitchen sink, I start getting a "hammering" that you can hear (and feel) all over the house.

    It only does it at the one sink, only on the hot water side.
    Only while the water is on - stops as soon as flow is shut off.

    I have been told that the aerator might be partially plugged - but have pulled that and checked it, and even tried it without the aerator - no change.

    I have lived in this house for 20 years - it only started about 9-10 months ago. I have not done any kind of plumbing or anything else any where near the kitchen or piping to the kicthen.

  • #2
    Install a new washer. Sounds like the old one may be chipped and could be 'fluttering'.


    • #3
      Mrcaptainbob is correct, the problem is a defective stem washer on the hot water stem.

      After you replace the washer be sure to turn the stem to the full open position before you re-install it. Often people forget to open the stem and as the stem is tightened down the new washer is forced into the same position as the old one, which will instantly distort the new washer.


      • #4
        OK - I will give that a shot first thing in the am.
        Will update on it then.

        Thanks a ton for the tip guys.


        • #5
          Yeah they're right. Because it's on the hot water side - the heat expands the stem part and it might be loose (I.E. the stem threads might be worn loose) and when the stem washer gets close to the seat the water pressure and the temp of it causes the stem to open and close very quickly giving you the vibration.


          • #6
            OK, actually did not get to work on faucet until this am.

            The flat washer that goes on the bottom of the stem was about 1/3 gone. Finally found a replacement at a local shop and put it back together.

            So far - no hammering.

            Tons of thanks for the advice guys.

