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Fruit Flies, Drain Flies


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  • Fruit Flies, Drain Flies

    Ok enough already with the fruit flies, they've invaded my kitchen. I've read where bleach won't kill the eggs they've decided to lay in my kitchen sink drain. I need other products that i can't seem to find around town. Can someone help me with this? Thanks.

  • #2
    While it is true that the fruit flies are attracted to the kitchen sink drain, it is very unlikely that they are breeding in the drain.

    First of all, the flies can't swim so the only space in the drain where they could be is from the actual sink basket drain opening down to the top of the water level in the trap.

    Fruit flies, like all flies go through 4 stages of developement, eggs, larvae, pupae and adult stage. In the larval stage fruit flies are tiny little worms (maggots) normally about 1/32" to 1/16" in length and rather wimpy. Just the action of draining water would be sufficient to wash away any larvae that may be present in the drain. The pupal stage is a tiny little cacoon which is about 1/10 the size of a BB and they are laid loose, so here again, any that might be in the drain would quickly be washed away from normal drain activity.

    Fruit flies have an extremely short life cycle (about ten days in total for all four stages, this explains why fruit flies are in large demand for genetic research because they can see the results quickly)).

    They most often get into our homes from fruit trees near the residence that are bearing fruit or in fresh fruits tht we bring in from the market. All fresh fruits should be washed immediately when we bring them in the house and all peelings, cores or other debris from the fruit should be taken out immediately.

    To control the fruit flies that you have now, I would suggest spraying some insect killer in the drain, then capping the drain for a bit to allow it time to work, followed by a good flush of water.

    Also spray the inside of your garbage pail and if you keep the pail in a cabinet, spray the inside of the cabinet.

