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shower stall replacement


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  • shower stall replacement

    I am replacing a shower stall that was installed over 30 years ago. The
    problem i am having is disconnecting the drain. The drain connection is not treaded it has a rubber caket between the floor and the pcv pipe. I can only see the connection from the top (looking down the drain). I cut
    the floor base out, except for the drain and soundrounding areas (about a foot).

  • #2
    While there are some variations primarily shower stall drains are one of two styles.

    When it is accessible from underneath they often use a drain basket assembly that has a rubber gasket and locknut on the underside of the shower pan.

    In a situation where the underside will not be accessble we use a shower drain assembly that will slip over the end of a PVC pipe and be glued in place. The finished drain basket is screwed down from the top to lock it all in place in the same manner as a Tub Drain.

