I hope someone has some advice to help me remedy a bonehead plumbing mistake. We're remodeling our bathroom and added a custom shower with 3 body sprays as part of the project. We finished setting the tile in the shower on Wednesday and grouted the porcelain-over-backerboard installation on Thursday. The body sprays arrived from the plumbing supply house on...Friday. During the plumbing rough in I set the 1/2" male adapters for the body sprays at 1/2" outside of the finished wall surface...the same as the spec for the wall union for the hand shower(also installed) that the plumbing supplier had for us weeks ago. Unfortunately(here's the bonehead part), the spec for the body spray heads require the male adapters in the wall to be more or less flush with the finished wall surface
. As it its now, the body spray escutcheons cannot slide back to the wall. I'm afraid if I heat the adapters off with a torch I may compromise the sweat joints on the tees in the pressure loop. I installed the adapters on 1 1/2" bullets from the tees, so there's only 1/2" of pipe between the sockets on the existing male adapters and pressure loop tees. Is there a way to cut the male adapters and a bit of pipe off from the inside? Then I could sweat new adapters on(if I'm careful and clean) and cool them quickly to salvage the operation without going into the wall. Any suggestions?.....anyone? Yep, next time I'll wait 'til I have all the parts in hand before rough in or call the manufacturer and ask for specs first! (Insert bonehead or goofball icon here).
I hope someone has some advice to help me remedy a bonehead plumbing mistake. We're remodeling our bathroom and added a custom shower with 3 body sprays as part of the project. We finished setting the tile in the shower on Wednesday and grouted the porcelain-over-backerboard installation on Thursday. The body sprays arrived from the plumbing supply house on...Friday. During the plumbing rough in I set the 1/2" male adapters for the body sprays at 1/2" outside of the finished wall surface...the same as the spec for the wall union for the hand shower(also installed) that the plumbing supplier had for us weeks ago. Unfortunately(here's the bonehead part), the spec for the body spray heads require the male adapters in the wall to be more or less flush with the finished wall surface
