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Water or not .....?


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  • Water or not .....?

    I recently removed a radiant heater from my kitchen.
    I drained the system, removed it and plugged the holes for the
    pipes for it in the main stem from the boiler.

    So the system is now closed again,but with no water in it atm.

    ? is - I'm waiting for some Autobleeders from a friend,but
    he said they won't be in for at least a few months.

    So should I wait for the parts to come in, or refill the system now?

    I'm thinking it would be better to refill it and drain it again later but ....

  • #2
    Whenever a boiler system is going to be out of service for an extended period it is best to put it in what is called 'Wet layup" which simply means the burner main fuel valve is closed and locked out, then the system is filled with water.

    The purpose of filling it with water is to displace air, which then minimizes corroision caused by oxydation.

    You should also attach a tag to the fuel valve indicating the system is in wet layup to insure no one will attempt to fire the burner until the proper water levels are adjusted.

