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waterproofing tiled fish pond


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  • waterproofing tiled fish pond

    I have a tiled fishpond which I've had the grout removed and repaired three times now, but the water still keeps seeping out. The pond is a tiled concrete square. What can I use to stop the leakage without breaking all the tiles off. I've tried silicone sealer, but still didn't work. Any advice greatefully received.

  • #2
    This is a very unusual question and one which i confess I don't have a direct answer, however it brings to mind a couple additional questions that must be considered.

    1. Are you certain that the water loss is a result of leakage or could it perhaps be evaporation?

    2. Will the product used to seal the tiles be enviromentally safe for any fish or plants that you may put in the fishpond during normal operation?

    I would suggest you contact a local swimming pool supply house and if they cannot give you a direct answer they may be able to stear you to a high end custom pool installation & maintenance company that would have your answer.


    • #3
      Fish pond.....

      Could try to contact zoo or a large public aquairuim...(Sea-World?) and get some guidance from them...


      • #4
        Pet supply places that do tropical fish can steer you to a silicone sealant that is environmentally suitable for the fish - regular silicone will kill them. for the tile grout - again the pet place will know

