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strange toilet problem


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  • strange toilet problem

    I am on well water and septic with a filtration system. My toilets are 2 piece Kohler.

    I noticed that occasionally I would hear a toilet run for a few seconds when it wasn't being used. I thought that perhaps with my water system and various chlorine items that my wife has used in the past that we had corroded some of the tank components.

    So today, I replaced all of the tank components (flowmaster I believe). after I ensured that there were no external leaks, I left the cover off and waited. After 5-10 minutes, sure enough the float had dropped and the water filled for 5 seconds or so. My repair had not solved the problem.

    Thinking out of the box, I replaced the flapper again on the off chance it was bad. 5-10 minutes later, the water filled for 5 seconds or so.

    This is an issue because it is soaking my leach lines with a constant trickle of water.

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    how about the connections between the tank and the bowl? The tank bolts supposed to have rubber washers beneath the screw head and porcelain, also the neoprene doughnut between the tank and the bowl.


    • #3
      a little more info

      I have done some further troubleshooting and have found that the leak appears to be the connection between the flush valve and the tank. (Strangely enough, this is not causing a mess in the bathroom as somehow the leaked water is staying within the system and heading into the bowl.)

      When I remove the flapper and handle (for room), fill the water to just below the flapper level and jiggle the flush valve, I can see water leaking into the bowl.

      The obvious items seem to be tighten the connection, make sure the gasket/seat is not damaged or replace the flush valve again (might) be faulty.

      I had an issue tightening thie flush valve and will start there, but I still need a little help.

      These 2 piece Kohlers have a large rubber gasket that fits into the bolt holes. It acts as a gasket AND as spacers between the bowl and tank. When I try to tighten the plactic lock nut onto the flush valve, the friction between the nut and the gasket makes the process difficult.

      On my first attempt, I reached inside the tank and pushed hard on the seat of the flush valve, so I could tighten the nut. Seemed to work, but I have a leak, so.........

      Is there some trick here? Should I put a small amount of vaseline on the plastic nut to reduce the friction so I can tighten the connection. What is the liklihood that I damaged the flush valve on the first install?

      I live 35 miles from the nearest Home Depot, so multiple trips are a pain in the @$$. If I should purchase another flush valve as a precaution, I will.

      Additionally, are there Kohler specific parts that should be used?

      Any help would be appreciated, thanx.


      • #4
        Check your installation instructions very carefully. I think you will find that the rubber gasket you are describing should be put on the flush valve before it is fitted into the tank so the gasket will be between the underside of the flush valve mount and the inside of the tank. The flush valve discharge tube is then put through the bottom of the tank and the nut tightens up directly under the tank with no gasket between the nut and tank on the underside.


        • #5
          close, but not exactly

          The gasket that is leaking is installed on the inside of the tank, between the flush valve and the tank.

          The rubber gasket that is causing the tightening problems is between the tank and the bowl. It is used on the Kohler 2 piece systems instead of the standard foam gasket.


          • #6
            Generally when a gasket is used in that fashion they also supply a cardboard anti-friction shim that is the same size as the gasket and often people discard it thinking it was just part of the packing material.

            You could take an ordinary piece of posterboard and cut a ring the same ID & OD as the gasket then put that between the locknut and the underside of the gasket to prevent the friction problem your having.


            • #7
              Hey Lazypup, I always wondered why that was there, thanks. I have them on my pool gaskets too, always wondered..........

