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Looking For A Remote Water Temp Gauge?????


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  • Looking For A Remote Water Temp Gauge?????

    In the off season I usually only run the boiler (oil) long enough to build up the hot in my weil Mclain Super Cell. At least thats what I think its called, you get the picture. Anyways looking around the net I can't find anyone who is selling a simlple cheap temp gauge that I can remote to upstairs. I am not talking any of those whiz bang computerized controls they use so much today, just a simple remote gauge that I can run into my tank with a sender. Any Ideas I would appreciate as I can't find a thing.

  • #2
    what do you mean by cheap? give me a dollar parameter.


    • #3
      Oh I guess Under $40

      Something along that line. I can probably even manage by rigging something 12V from an auto type rig( low enough temp range) if I have to but would rather keep it simple.


      • #4
        I looked at JC Whitney catalog and found gauges (12 volt dc) that connect to sending units like "block" sending units ( 1/4-1/2" NPT) Sending units $7-$15, gauges $12 and up. In lieu of battery power you could rig up an AC to DC converter using a bridge rectifier to produce the dc and wire this in series with the sender. temp goes up, resistance increases, voltage decreases (or current) and gives you a relative scale deflection in degrees F.


        • #5
          It Sounded like the cheapesst idea to me as well.

          Just one thing, finding a full span temp gauge. I stumbled upon one or 2 tractor gauges for ancient tractors that begin to register around 100F. Any ideas where to get one that reads in the lower ranges? I have been workin on my own cars, truck, tractors and even an airplane or 2 for decades and haven't seen much in that line. There was one digital model I think I saw on some hot rod site but they weren't specific as to how "Full the span" really was. Its hard to find a gauge that low.
          I wanted a water temp gauge for my boat some time back but those were monsterously priced as well. A marine mech told me to go to Walmart and buy a $15 indoor / outdoor job and mount it on the dash with the outdoor lead strung down the back. It worked well 6 years ago and even now. Too bad there isn't a way to mount that type of sensor. Can you by any chance run one of those off of an automotive sending unit by simply cutting the wire and hooking it to the units lead? I never was much on elctrical principal even though I have done lots of wiring.


          • #6
            you can run an automotive device but you still need the 12 volts to operate the gauge. if you done all sorts of wiring, then 12 volts dc should be a breeze.


            • #7
              It appears to me that you are approaching the problem the hard way.

              Even if you were to find the remote thermometer that you desire you are still confronted with a method of mounting the sending unit not to mention that it would require that you standby and watch it for a half hour to an hour each day.

              A much simpler solution would be to install a "Single Pole/double throw" switch on the burner power line as a summer winter switch and put a timer on the summer side.

              In this configuration in Winter the power would go directly to the burner contol and the burner would function in the normal heating mode. In summer the timer would turn the burner on at a set time in the morning and allow it sufficient time to heat up to the thermostat set temperature. Once it reaches the desired set temp the thermostat would turn the burner off and the timer would then turn the power off until it begins the cycle again the next day.

              This would achieve the same goal but with a totally automated control.


              • #8
                I figured it out

                Like the boat water temp issue I just got a $12 remote sensing indoor outdoor thermometer at Lowes. I put the sensor on top of the tank and replaced the insulation. All it took was an extension made of some cheap 24 gauge radio shack speaker wire. So far so good . It may not give the exact water temp but it gives me enough of a trend so I can tell when to flip on the boiler and avoid a cold shower.

