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water pressure drop in house


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  • water pressure drop in house

    I have a well and pressure tank. Plenty of pressure out of 1" tank outlet. Iron filter is 3/4" inlet and outlet and sits beside pressure tank. After water leaves filter, pipe changes back to 1" for the 50' to my house then is reduced down again to 3/4" then 1/2" at the outlets. Should I change the 50' run of 1" pipe between the filter and my house to 3/4" to raise the pressure in my house?

  • #2
    Absolutely not..

    Reducing a 1" line to 3/4" will reduce the cross sectional area or volume of the pipe by 50%. This means that the velocity of flow would need to incease proportioally to compensate for the reduction in volume.

    Friction loss is proportional to the velocity of flow. The faster the water flows, the higher the friction loss.

    Reducing the line from 1" to 3/4" would result in a substantial decrease in pressure.


    • #3
      low flow and pressure

      I have low pressure and low flow in the house, especially the shower. Any suggestions? I have plenty of pressure and flow to my outside spigots that are on a different line than my house. (supply line splits right after the the pressure tank)


      • #4
        Obviously the point of restriction is the filter, however the real question is, what is the pressure at the main where the line enters the house?


        • #5
          Lazy Pup is right. There is a restriction somewhere. Inspect if the filter media is clogged or dirty, clean if so. If not, check the pressure right after the filter. If all is okay, restriction must be at the house. You need to play like a 'water detective' to find where the restriction is. The fact that there is amply pressure at the tank before the filter says your water pressure is fine. Good luck.

